Thursday, August 12, 2010

Clickbank Wealth Formula, Wow! My Review

Hey Everyone,

It’s been a while since something truly remarkable has come out. But it’s here!

Clickbank Wealth Formula or is about to be released tomorrow July 7th, 2010 and I for one am super excited about the information that is being put out!

This is a complete VIDEO course with over 7 hours of video instruction on how to become a super hot affiliate selling literally $1000’s of dollars per day worth of products. And it’s not just Clickbank products. You can really use their formulas to sell anything you want!

Here is a quick index of the 10 Modules in CBWealthFormula and the Video’s that come with them. Soooo juicy!

1. Module 1: Getting Started the “3 Day Way”’
• Video 1: Story: How to start the easiest online and why to start with affiliate marketing.
• Video 2: What is Affiliate Marketing?
• Video 3: The different models in affiliate marketing and why to start with List Building.
• Video 4: The different places you can promote and why to start with Clickbank.

2.Module 2: The Easy Mechanics You Need…
• Video 1: Items needed and where to find them:
• Video 2: A complete walk-through of, where I reveal all my BIGGEST secrets of Scriptlance

3. Module 3: Picking the Most Powerful Niche
• Video 1: Rule 1: Evergreen Niche
• Video 2: Rule 2: Evergreen Audience
• Video 3: Rule 3: People must spend $$$ on information
• Video 4: Rule 4: Enough products to Promote
• Video 5: Products must have good stats
• Video 6: Content must not be a Problem

4. Module 4: The Fastest & Shocking Website Process
• Video 1: Opt-In Pages: What and Why
• Video 2: Opt- In Pages: Examples
• Video 3: Dissect the Mechanics of an Opt-in Page
• Video 4: Video on an Opt-in Page?
• Video 5: Words to SPRINKLE & use on your Page…
• Video 6: Offering a FREE report or something in exchange for the email.

5. Module 5: Creating Your Automated Sales Machine
• Video 1: Setting Up Your Auto-responder
• Video 2: Your First 10 Day Series: Blueprint
• Video 3: Track your best sellers and keep adding them into your auto responder – the more you add, the more automated your income is for life.
• Video 4: Importance of tying in content between promotions
• Video 5: Use video to build relationships

6. Module 6: Lock and Load- Make Money!
• Video 1: Should you promote this product? How to evaluate merchants/products.
• Video 2: Top Places to Get an “Information Product” to Promote
• Video 3: CPA offers – where to find them
• Video 4: What’s EPC

7. Module 7: Using Words to Sell (A LOT!)
• Video 1: The Most Important Element: Subject Lines
• Video 2: Examples of Subject Lines
• Video 3: How To Write POWERFUL Email Promotions

8. Module 8: Making $15,000 in 24 Hours
• Video 1: Provide blueprint to use to promote launches – Exactly what to send and when to send it during prelaunches…
• Video 2: How to set-up killer bonuses.
• Video 3: Our “Day Strategy” – How we map out and spread out our promotions…
• Video 4: How to effectively participate in a “Pre-Launch.”
• Video 5: SECRET CONVERSION TECHNIQUE – How to steal the sales from all other affiliates the HOUR before launch!
• Video 6: Where to keep ahead of the curve on launches coming.

9. Module 9: Starting Massive Traffic in Just Days!
• Video 1: Email marketing
• Video 2: Blog commenting
• Video 3: Forum marketing
• Video 4: Solo ads
• Video 5: PPV
• Video 6: JV Traffic and Ad Swaps
• Video 7: Social Media – Twitter/Facebook
• Video 8: Build a community using Ning
• Video 9: Content network Image ads

10. Module 10: Instant 238% Increase in Income
• Video 1: Insider Secret #1: Thank You Page Voodoo!
• Video 2: Insider Secret #2: Get Paid From “FREE Stuff!”
• Video 3: Insider Secret #3: Make sales with very FIRST email to your list!
• Video 4 – 8: Insider Secret #4: The “Affiliate Upsell System”

As you can see it’s pretty amazing content and could end up being the one nugget that you’ve been looking for. Go watch the live video showing how Saj made $114,898.86 in a single day using only CBWealthFormula techniques!

Click Here to go check out this system!

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