Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Ultimate Hard-Body Exercise

Get a rock-hard body from head to toe, and ripped abs with this exercise!

by Mike Geary, Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer

The Front Squat (a surprising exercise not only for legs, but also rock hard abs!)

As you may have already discovered, the squat is at the top of the heap (along with deadlifts) as one of the most effective overall exercises for stimulating body composition changes (muscle gain and fat loss). This is because exercises like squats and deadlifts use more muscle groups under a heavy load than almost any other weight bearing exercises known to man. Squats and deadlifts use hundreds of muscles throughout your entire body to move the load and also to stabilize your body while doing the drill.

Hence, these exercises stimulate the greatest hormonal responses (growth hormone, testosterone, etc.) of all exercises.

In fact, university research studies have even proven that inclusion of squats into a training program increases upper body development, in addition to lower body development, even though upper body specific joint movements are not performed during the squat. Whether your goal is gaining muscle mass, losing body fat, building a strong and functional body, or improving athletic performance, the basic squat and deadlift (and their variations) are the ultimate solution.

If you don’t believe me that squats and deadlifts are THE basis for a lean and powerful body, then go ahead and join all of the other overweight people pumping away mindlessly for hours on boring cardio equipment.

Squats can be done with barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, or even just body weight. Squats should only be done with free weights – NEVER with a Smith machine! My program, The Truth About Six Pack Abs contains the full story on why machines are so inferior and even potentially DANGEROUS compared to free weights.

The type of squat that people are most familiar with is the barbell back squat where the bar is resting on the trapezius muscles of the upper back. Many professional strength coaches believe that front squats (where the bar rests on the shoulders in front of the head) and overhead squats (where the bar is locked out in a snatch grip overhead throughout the squat) are more functional to athletic performance than back squats with less risk of lower back injury.

I feel that a combination of all three (not necessarily during the same phase of your workouts) will yield the best results for overall muscular development, body fat loss, and athletic performance. Front squats are moderately more difficult than back squats, while overhead squats are considerably more difficult than either back squats or front squats. I’ll cover overhead squats in a future newsletter issue.

If you are only accustomed to performing back squats, it will take you a few sessions to become comfortable with front squats, so start out light. After a couple sessions of practice, you will start to feel the groove and be able to increase the poundage.

To perform front squats:

The front squat recruits the abdominals to a much higher degree for stability due to the more upright position compared with back squats. It is mostly a lower body exercise, but is great for functionally incorporating core strength and stability into the squatting movement. If you're doing front squats right, you'll feel a hard contraction in your abs during these.

It can also be slightly difficult to learn how to properly rest the bar on your shoulders. There are two ways to rest the bar on the front of the shoulders.

In the first method, you step under the bar and cross your forearms into an “X” position while resting the bar on the dimple that is created by the shoulder muscle near the bone, keeping your elbows up high so that your arms are parallel to the ground. You then hold the bar in place by pressing the thumb side of your fists against the bar for support.

Alternatively, you can hold the bar by placing your palms face up and the bar resting on your fingers against your shoulders. For both methods, your elbows must stay up high to prevent the weight from falling. Your upper arms should stay parallel to the ground throughout the squat. Find out which bar support method is more comfortable for you.

Then, initiate the squat from your hips by sitting back and down keeping the weight on your heels as opposed to the balls of your feet. Squat down to a position where your thighs are approximately parallel to the ground, then press back up to the starting position. Keeping your weight more towards your heels is the key factor in squatting to protect your knees from injury and develop strong injury resistant knee joints.

Keep in mind – squats done correctly actually strengthen the knees; squats done incorrectly can damage the knees. Practice first with an un-weighted bar or a relatively light weight to learn the movement. Most people are surprised how hard this exercise works your abs once you learn the correct form.



get ripped 6-pack absFor complete descriptions of over 50 of the most effective full body exercises for stripping away body fat while developing a rock-hard body, download my world-famous program -
The Truth About Six Pack Abs (used by over 263,000 readers in 154 countries currently).

Free bonus download now

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Clickbank Wealth Formula, Wow! My Review

Hey Everyone,

It’s been a while since something truly remarkable has come out. But it’s here!

Clickbank Wealth Formula or is about to be released tomorrow July 7th, 2010 and I for one am super excited about the information that is being put out!

This is a complete VIDEO course with over 7 hours of video instruction on how to become a super hot affiliate selling literally $1000’s of dollars per day worth of products. And it’s not just Clickbank products. You can really use their formulas to sell anything you want!

Here is a quick index of the 10 Modules in CBWealthFormula and the Video’s that come with them. Soooo juicy!

1. Module 1: Getting Started the “3 Day Way”’
• Video 1: Story: How to start the easiest online and why to start with affiliate marketing.
• Video 2: What is Affiliate Marketing?
• Video 3: The different models in affiliate marketing and why to start with List Building.
• Video 4: The different places you can promote and why to start with Clickbank.

2.Module 2: The Easy Mechanics You Need…
• Video 1: Items needed and where to find them:
• Video 2: A complete walk-through of, where I reveal all my BIGGEST secrets of Scriptlance

3. Module 3: Picking the Most Powerful Niche
• Video 1: Rule 1: Evergreen Niche
• Video 2: Rule 2: Evergreen Audience
• Video 3: Rule 3: People must spend $$$ on information
• Video 4: Rule 4: Enough products to Promote
• Video 5: Products must have good stats
• Video 6: Content must not be a Problem

4. Module 4: The Fastest & Shocking Website Process
• Video 1: Opt-In Pages: What and Why
• Video 2: Opt- In Pages: Examples
• Video 3: Dissect the Mechanics of an Opt-in Page
• Video 4: Video on an Opt-in Page?
• Video 5: Words to SPRINKLE & use on your Page…
• Video 6: Offering a FREE report or something in exchange for the email.

5. Module 5: Creating Your Automated Sales Machine
• Video 1: Setting Up Your Auto-responder
• Video 2: Your First 10 Day Series: Blueprint
• Video 3: Track your best sellers and keep adding them into your auto responder – the more you add, the more automated your income is for life.
• Video 4: Importance of tying in content between promotions
• Video 5: Use video to build relationships

6. Module 6: Lock and Load- Make Money!
• Video 1: Should you promote this product? How to evaluate merchants/products.
• Video 2: Top Places to Get an “Information Product” to Promote
• Video 3: CPA offers – where to find them
• Video 4: What’s EPC

7. Module 7: Using Words to Sell (A LOT!)
• Video 1: The Most Important Element: Subject Lines
• Video 2: Examples of Subject Lines
• Video 3: How To Write POWERFUL Email Promotions

8. Module 8: Making $15,000 in 24 Hours
• Video 1: Provide blueprint to use to promote launches – Exactly what to send and when to send it during prelaunches…
• Video 2: How to set-up killer bonuses.
• Video 3: Our “Day Strategy” – How we map out and spread out our promotions…
• Video 4: How to effectively participate in a “Pre-Launch.”
• Video 5: SECRET CONVERSION TECHNIQUE – How to steal the sales from all other affiliates the HOUR before launch!
• Video 6: Where to keep ahead of the curve on launches coming.

9. Module 9: Starting Massive Traffic in Just Days!
• Video 1: Email marketing
• Video 2: Blog commenting
• Video 3: Forum marketing
• Video 4: Solo ads
• Video 5: PPV
• Video 6: JV Traffic and Ad Swaps
• Video 7: Social Media – Twitter/Facebook
• Video 8: Build a community using Ning
• Video 9: Content network Image ads

10. Module 10: Instant 238% Increase in Income
• Video 1: Insider Secret #1: Thank You Page Voodoo!
• Video 2: Insider Secret #2: Get Paid From “FREE Stuff!”
• Video 3: Insider Secret #3: Make sales with very FIRST email to your list!
• Video 4 – 8: Insider Secret #4: The “Affiliate Upsell System”

As you can see it’s pretty amazing content and could end up being the one nugget that you’ve been looking for. Go watch the live video showing how Saj made $114,898.86 in a single day using only CBWealthFormula techniques!

Click Here to go check out this system!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Good Trans Fats vs. Bad Trans Fats

Artificial trans fats are one of the most prevalent poisons in our food supply; but most don't know that healthy natural trans fats DO exist.

by Mike Geary, Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer
Author - The Truth about Six Pack Abs

I'm going to talk about something today that most of you have probably never heard... that there is a distinction between good trans fats and bad trans fats. There is some evidence that the good trans fats can help you with fat loss, muscle building, and even cancer prevention, while the bad trans fats have been shown to cause heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and the general "blubbering" of your body.

I'm sure most of you have heard all of the ruckus in the news over the last few years about just how bad man-made trans fats are for your health. If you've been a reader of my newsletter and my Truth about Six Pack Abs e-book program, then you definitely know my opinion that these substances are some of the most evil food additives of all and are found in the vast majority of all processed foods and fast foods on the market today.

In my opinion, man-made trans fats are right up there with smoking in terms of their degree of danger to your health. After all, they are one of THE MAIN factors for the explosion of heart disease since approximately the 1950's.

With all of the talk about trans fats in the news these days, I wanted to clarify some things, particularly regarding bad trans fats vs. good trans fats. If you've never heard of good trans fats before, let me explain in a bit.

The Bad Trans Fats

First, the bad trans fats I'm referring to are the man-made kind. These are represented by any artificially hydrogenated oils. The main culprits are margarine, shortening, and partially hydrogenated oils that are in most processed foods, junk foods, and deep fried foods.

These hydrogenated oils are highly processed using harsh chemical solvents like hexane (a component of gasoline), high heat, pressure, have a metal catalyst added, and are then deodorized and bleached. A small % of the solvent is allowed to remain in the finished oil. This has now become more of an industrial oil rather than a food oil, but somehow the FDA still allows the food manufacturers to put this crap in our food at huge quantities, even with the well documented health dangers.

These hydrogenated oils cause inflammation inside of your body, which signals the deposition of cholesterol as a healing agent on artery walls. Hence, hydrogenated oil = inflammation = clogged arteries. You can see why heart disease has exploded since this crap has been loaded into our food supply over the last 5 to 6 decades.

As time goes on, and science continues to unveil how deadly these oils really are, I feel that eventually they will be illegal and banned from use. The labeling laws were just the first step. In fact, certain countries around the world have already banned the use of hydrogenated oils in food manufacturing or at least set dates to phase them out for good.

However, keep in mind that as companies are starting to phase out the use of hydrogenated oils in processed foods, they are replacing them, in most instances, with highly refined polyunsaturated oils such as soybean oil, cottonseed oil, corn oil, etc, etc. These are still heavily processed oils using high heat, solvents, deodorizers, and bleaching agents. Even refined oils are known to produce inflammation in your body...a far cry from natural sources of healthy fats.

Don't be fooled by the new onslaught of foods claiming "trans fat free"... if they use heavily refined oils (even if they're non-hydrogenated), it's still pure evil for your body, and very inflammatory.

Once again, for the best results, your best bet is avoiding highly processed foods altogether and choose whole, natural, minimally processed foods. Your body will thank you!

The Good Trans Fats

Ok, after having trash talked the man-made trans fats, let me clearly state that there is such a thing as healthy natural trans fats. Natural trans fats are created in the stomachs of ruminant animals such as cattle, sheep, goats, etc. and make their way into the fat stores of the animals.

Therefore, the milk fat and the fat within the meat of these animals can provide natural healthy trans fats (best in grass-fed organic versions only).

Natural trans fats in your diet have been thought to have some potential benefit to aid in both muscle building and fat loss efforts. However, keep in mind that the quantity of healthy trans fats in the meat and dairy of ruminant animals is greatly reduced by mass-production methods of farming and their grain and soy heavy diets. Meat and dairy from grass-fed, free-range animals always have much higher quantities of these beneficial fats.

One such natural trans fat that you may have heard of is called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and has been marketed by many weight loss companies. Keep in mind that these man-made CLA pills you see in the stores may not be the best way to get CLA in your diet. They are artificially made from plant oils in a manner similar to hydrogenation, instead of the natural process that happens in ruminant animals. Once again, man-made just doesn't compare to the benefits of natural sources.

Here's a great site I found that I use to order all of my healthy grass-fed beef and other free range meats. The service is impeccable and they deliver right to your doorstep in a sealed cooler. It's worth it to know that you and your family are actually eating meat that's good for you instead of the normal grocery store junk.

Now that all of your labels should be listing grams of trans fat, keep in mind that if a quantity of trans fat is listed on a meat or dairy product, it is most likely the natural good trans fats that we've discussed here (*I only recommend grass-fed meat or dairy). Otherwise, if the quantity of trans fat is listed on any processed foods, it is most likely the dangerous unhealthy crap from artificially hydrogenated oils, so stay away!

One more important note about food labels and trans fat listings... keep in mind that food manufacturers are allowed to label a food "trans fat free" if 1 serving size contains less than 0.5 grams of trans fat. So you may see some products with hydrogenated oils as one of their main ingredients, but if they make the serving size small enough so that it contains less than 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving, they can label it as trans fat free... now that's BS! just another example of our broken system!

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Best Fat Burning Pills That Do Not Exist!

Back in the day when I was still struggling to lose weight and getting totally desperate to see any kind of results, I fell into the same “quick fix” trap that I still see people falling into now. I tried every last extreme diet out there and I even resorted to dangerous fat burning pills…all in an effort to drop even just a little bit of weight…something, anything…I just didn’t want to be fat anymore.

In my own defense (if I don’t defend myself who will?), I didn’t quite know back then how dangerous these pills were…at least not as much as I know now. I just figured so many other people were taking them and they were sold at the local store, they must be safe, right? Definitely NOT!

Here was the problem (for me and maybe for you too). We all want to see results and we want to see them NOW! Not only do most of us (myself included) lack patience in many areas of our lives (yes, get it to me yesterday) but sometimes when we don’t see results in an instant, we lose steam, we give up, we just figure it’s impossible.

Now, I’m not going to turn this into a Tony Robbins, self development, “You can do it” speech. But what I am going to tell you is that if you’re looking for a quick fix to weight loss, fat burners are NOT the answer.

I could go on and on and tell you all the dangers associated with many of these pills…potential heart attack and damage to the heart, hormone disruption, stroke, permanent damage to your metabolism…but I think at this point many people are well aware of how dangerous these pills can be. We’ve all seen the unfortunate news reports of people dying from these pills…it’s just awful.

What I do want to share with you are some “safe”, quick ways to get your fat burning engine cranking. Yes, healthy eating and exercise are always the answer, but sometimes we need just a bit more to get the ball rolling.

Here are some of my own strategies that anybody can implement safely for accelerated fat loss results:

1. Eliminate Wheat and Dairy for 2 weeks or more. I know, I know…this should be the Isabel theme song. I know I remind you of this all the time, but the truth is, it works! Most wheat and dairy products will cause an inflammatory response in your body (without you even realizing they are the cause) and make it really difficult, sometimes impossible to see fat even budge off your body. Wheat products include most breads, cereals, crackers, and pastas. Dairy includes milk products and cheeses. Eggs are ok and in many cases and butter is ok as well and will not stop the fat burning process.

2. Eliminate all grains for 2 weeks or more. Holy Isabel is getting a bit carried away here. Look I’m just telling you what works. And if you have to get into a bikini in a few weeks, your high school reunion is right around the corner (and your ex-boyfriend will be there!), or you just want the pounds to come off faster, I highly suggest going “grain free” until you reach your desired weight. NO, I’m not saying grains are unhealthy. I’m just saying sometimes fat loss will be more accelerated without them. Grains include rice, oatmeal, millet, quinoa and spelt. All healthy, yes, but a few weeks without them will help your body shed fat faster.

3. Add lemon to your water. Lemon is a wonderful detoxifier to the liver. And since the liver is your “fat burning” organ, we want it always working at optimum. Keep your liver squeeky clean, by not only eliminating processed foods and toxic substances from your eating plan but also by giving it a good cleaning with some fresh lemon. You can also add some cayenne pepper to your drink as well and that will help to get your bowels moving (if the food is not finding its way out, weight loss will be much slower).

4. Eat your fruit servings before 4pm. Again, another wonderful food group that I am in no way saying is “bad” but you may see increased fat loss results by eating your fruit with breakfast, mid morning snack and lunch and then sticking to veggies for your mid afternoon snack and dinner. Raw carrots and peppers are great with almond butter in the afternoon and a piece of steak or salmon over sautéed greens and a side salad is a great dinner. You will then still get in your fruit servings for the day but will have had them much earlier in the day.

There are many tactics and strategies that you can try before resorting to something dangerous like taking fat burning supplements that will work when you stick to them. Take action on the above 4 steps and walk onto the beach or into that high school reunion feeling and looking great. And if you’re lucky, your EX doesn’t subscribe to my newsletter and he’ll be wondering why he ever let you get away.

Mobile Monopoly Review

This page is for Mobile Monopoly Review – click below if your looking for:

* Mobile Monopoly (official site)

I’m not 100% certain, but I believe Adam will grant me access to Mobile Monopoly.

If you don’t know yet Adam Horwitz is going to be releasing Mobile Monopoly on August 3rd. And as a reviewer I will do my best to give you the best possible review I can.

From what I understand and what Adam has shared with me so far, Mobile Monopoly covers the ins-and-outs of effectively marketing to mobile devices, such as, smart phones, PDA’s, and all mobile devices with fully functional internet browsers.

To make things easier you will also have a change to get Adam’s BeastMobi software. Made to generate some highly profitable campaigns for you even simpler, but more on this later when I get a change to type out my full review.

Meanwhile bookmark this page and keep an eye on my updates.

Mobile Monopoly

UPDATE: Thanks to Tim (Adam’s business partner) I was able to gain full access to the course and was able to complete my review of Mobile Monopoly as well as the BeastMobi software tool. I must say I was pleasantly surprised by the overall ease of the course and simplicity of the tool.

Mobile Monopoly

Member's AreaMobile Monopoly is by far the best mobile marketing course that I’ve seen. Actually it is the only one I know of, which goes to show how under exposed this market really is.

At first once inside the members area the information seen may be a little too much to take in all at once. Watching the introductory video will put everything into perspective and give you a lay out of how to get the most out of the course, and most importantly what action to take next and get started as fast as possible.

The full course consists of “all video” tutorials broken down in 10 sequential modules. Each module is geared toward a specific theme to make it easier to navigate the course.

In addition to the Mobile Monopoly Course you get the:

Email Marketing Course:

Yes, you get an email marketing course. This is a series of 9-videos created specifically to go hand-in-hand with mobile monopoly. Using the strategies he explains, Adam was able to generate a list of 20,000 people in one month’s time. In this course you will learn how he did it so you can do it also.

Outsourcing Course:

In my opinion this is one of the most crucial aspects to any business. Because when you get to this point of your success, you stop working and start enjoying life. When you master the outsourcing course you can retire your self… seriously.

40 Proven Mobile Campaigns:

These are 40 profitable campaigns that Adam and Tim have used in the past. What I like about these 40 campaigns is how diverse they are in nature. You would think that there is only one way to market on mobile phones, but no… there’s lots.

I do have to mention one thing though, I did try one of the profitable campaigns and unfortunately I did not get very good results. Time didn’t allow me to attempt any of the different campaigns but the point I want to make here is “Don’t buy Mobile Monopoly” solely based on these 40 profitable campaigns, because you will be greatly disappointed.

As an entrepreneur you have to think correctly, and success can’t really be passed on like this. I’m not saying none of the campaigns are profitable, but if worst comes to worst you will have 40 examples on how to correctly set up diverse kinds of campaigns.

BeastMobi Software Tool

Mobile MonopolyI really don’t know if Adam will offer the BeastMobi tool as part of the course or as a separate product all together, but have a chance to get it I highly recommend you do because it will make things a whole lost simpler.

Pretty much BeastMobi is a tool that will automatically generate high converting mobile optimized campaigns for lead generation, CPA offers, or any other type other offer you’d like to promote on mobile phones.

It also offers many more features including mobile optimized squeeze pages, mobile banners, text message marketing, and much more.

BeastMobi tracks all your campaigns and provides detailed statistics of your campaign allowing you to make tweaks for higher conversions!

All you do is place your mobile optimized campaign (created by BeastMobi) and run it on a mobile advertising platform!

Ultimately BeastMobi will provide a turn-key solution allowing users to submit campaigns directly from the site saving them a lot of time.In a nutshell, BeastMobi is going to revolutionize mobile marketing and allow ANYONE to get involved and set up campaigns even if they’re complete newbies online.

BeastMobi is finally simplifying the way we market on mobile phones!

Oh and a new feature that was just added is now it’s setup where you can send someone to a squeeze page and then when they enter their email they are redirected to an email submit with their email address pre populated in the CPA offer so they just gotta click submit and you got the lead and the cash! All on their cell phone.

Final Thoughts

I’ve found that Mobile Monopoly is really the only complete course on mobile marketing that truly over delivers.

In fact, I was talking with Tim earlier on gmail chat and asked him why the course would be so cheap. And he told me that him and Adam had a lot of conversations concerting the price of Mobile Monopoly, and so they decided to make the course as affordable as possible for everyone.

Now, I realize that you still don’t know what the price of mobile monopoly is, and I will leave this to the professionals to reveal, but trust me it will be very affordable.

Lastly, I wanted to bring even more value to your purchase. This is why I’ve create my very own bonus to go along with Mobile Monopoly. To see my bonus page visit the url below this paragraph and if you purchase via my link I will add tremendous value to the package.

click here to go directly to my Mobile Monopoly page

Get Mobile Monopoly

Friday, August 6, 2010

Are There Free Vital Records?

Vital records are legal documents of important events, including birth,
marriage, divorce, and death. These records are created not only to
keep census and vital statistics for government agencies, but for
individual uses, such as identification, background checks,
verification of marital status, verification for a life insurance
claim, and many more reasons. However, searching for and obtaining
vital records can be a chore, and there is usually a fee involved in
obtaining a certified copy from a government agency. Is there vital
record information that is available for free? And where can you get
free vital record information?
Accessing Free Vital Records from Each State Since vital records are
legal government documents, they must be requested through an official
form, and a fee must be paid. Each state and government agency has its
own procedure and fee schedule for vital records official copy
requests. However, some states will provide limited free information
online for those vital records that are deemed “public record.”
Thankfully, tracking down the right agency to contact can be easy if
you know where to look. If you know the specific agency you need, you
can start by looking at the free resource located at Here you can locate for free the
specific agency for each vital record for every state in the U.S.
Online Resources for Vital Records If you are searching a record for
someone else, or don’t know the specific county or state agency, you
can find online resources that provide helpful information. One online
resource is At you can search their
collection of over 1.3 billion records, browse collections of records,
network with other family history and genealogy buffs, and even find or
ask expert advice. Although does charge a subscription fee
for the use of their vast database, you can access their records for no
charge with a free 7-day trial. Use your free 7-day trial to search for
your own records, your living relatives, or even your ancestors. If you
find that the service is worthwhile, your subscription will
automatically begin after 7 days if you do not cancel.
Free Online Search Tools In the hunt for family tree ancestors or even
living relatives, you do have other free resources and search engines.
Another free search engine is at This free search
engine can help you find records by using specific surnames or state,
and it provides additional genealogy help. A search could turn up
digital copies of your ancestors’ records, including property deeds,
marriage bonds, and other certificates.
Another popular genealogy site is Here you can upload
your own family tree information and browse over 300,000 posted family
trees and over 3 billion records.
Still another helpful website that may help you find ancestors in your
family tree search is the research site provided by the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-Day Saints at Your search for
personal vital records or ancestry records doesn’t have to be a chore
or cost you a lot of money. Try these free resources to get you started
and with the right information you can get the records you need.

Lean-Body Fitness Secrets e-Zine: Bogus Exercise Machines, Fat Loss Recipe

an article from Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer

As a professional fitness trainer, I come across a lot of people that ask for my advice on the best way to train certain body parts. Whenever someone asks me the best exercises to do for their legs, I will obviously start to mention all of the various versions of squats, deadlifts, lunges, etc. that they can use to build legs of steel that are both strong and functional.

Many times they respond by saying something like "Oh, those are too hard. I use the leg press, leg extension, and leg curl machines, because I think they are safer".

Safer! HELL NO!

Now if you've been a subscriber of mine for some time, you know that not only do I think machines in general are a total waste of time, but they also can lead you on the path to injury...they are basically a disaster waiting to happen in my book.

To prove my point, I've decided I'm going to start periodically sending out emails as to why each individual machine is both ineffective and an injury waiting to happen.

To start today, I wanted to look at the leg press. Instead of reinventing the wheel, I found this great excerpt on the leg press in Beyond Bodybuilding by Pavel:

"Q: What is wrong with the leg press machine?

A: Where do I start? The leg press puts you in an unnatural position where your knees extend but your hips do not (your legs do line up with your body). In a study by Canadian researcher Digby Sale, strength gains on the leg press had no meaningful carryover to the squat, read a functional movement.

The sled can be dangerous, especially if you bring your knees too close towards your chest as is typical among muscleheads. Your tail comes off the pad and your rounded lower back has to bear the brunt of the unrealistic poundage. This type of flexion is the number one cause of disc herniations.

Last but not least, the sled and most other machines do not challenge your stabilizing muscles. With very few exceptions, exercise machines belong on the junk pile of history next to Communism."

As always, Pavel tells it like it is. Beyond Bodybuilding has a ton more tips like this in it's 318 pages of solid gold. He knows what he's talking about too...the former Soviet is currently an expert consultant to the US Marine Corps, the US Secret Service, and federal nuclear security teams.

So please, do yourself a favor and stay away from the leg press machine. Squats, deads, and other full body movements will do your body a world of good when done correctly, stripping off fat and carving out a rock solid physique!

All of these fat stripping exercises, plugged into my sure fire training & nutrition system for reducing body fat, are featured in my internationally popular book, The Truth about Six Pack Abs. If you haven't picked up a copy yet, get started today on the body that you've always wanted!

Alright, I know I've been slacking lately on giving you more of my secret lean-body recipes, so here's a quick meal idea that I've been using for my delicious lunches this week:

* Turkey sandwich on whole sprouted grain bread with 1/2 of a sliced avocado, red leaf lettuce, thin slice of muenster cheese, and a touch of wasabi mayonaise
* A small bowl of butternut squash soup with nutmeg
* one ripe kiwi
* a small square of extra dark (74%) chocolate for dessert

See, once again I smash the idea that healthy eating has to be boring! This meal is loaded with so many vitamins, minerals, quality protein, low GI carbs, healthy fats, and antioxidants, your body will be getting healthier by the minute.

I'll be in touch soon with more valuable training tips and more of my secret hard-body recipes. I'm out.

Stay lean,

Thursday, August 5, 2010

How Artificial Sweeteners Are Making You Fat

In my practice as a nutritionist and personal trainer, new clients are always coming to me telling me they are doing everything they are “supposed” to be doing, but still, do not lose weight. Of course, this is frustrating. Losing weight is hard enough, and to change your eating habits and still see no results, that’s even more frustrating.

Why do these people not lose weight? If I had to pick the most common reason why most people’s efforts have proved no results, I would say it is the deception of artificial sweeteners and processed diet foods. Yes, you heard right. It is the diet coke, diet snacks, processed foods and artificial sweetener in your coffee that is keeping you fat.

How is this so?

Artificial sweeteners overwhelm your liver

Your liver is your largest internal organ, and it’s responsible for an astonishing variety of life-sustaining and health-promoting tasks, including those that make healthy weight loss and weight management possible. Integral to countless metabolic processes, the liver supports the digestive system, controls blood sugar and regulates fat storage. One of your liver’s most important functions, and the most crucial to your weight loss, is chemically breaking down everything that enters your body, from healthy vegetables, to not so healthy fast food, from healthy water to not so healthy soda.

It’s your liver’s job to distinguish between the nutrients you need to absorb and the dangerous or unnecessary substances that must be filtered out of your bloodstream. But when the liver is clogged and overwhelmed with toxins, like artificial sweeteners, it can’t do a very effective job of processing nutrients and fats. If it can not process the nutrients and fats that your body needs, this will cause you to gain weight or will prevent you from losing weight.

Your liver also produces bile, a crucial substance for detoxifying our bodies. It is the job of bile to help our bodies break down the fats we need and to assimilate fat-soluble vitamins. But when our bile becomes overly congested with the toxins it’s trying to filter out, it simply can’t function properly. It becomes thick, viscous and highly inefficient in breaking down fats. The result: You are more likely to gain weight and to have a greater difficulty losing it. So the more toxic your body becomes, the more difficulty you’ll have losing weight and keeping it off because your liver just can not work properly to break down fat.

Are artificial sweeteners considered a toxin?

What qualifies something as a “toxin”? A toxin is anything that your body does not recognize as a natural food source. The reason why artificial sweeteners have “zero” calories is because your body does not recognize them as a food source. For example, the chemical process to make Splenda (sucralose) alters the chemical composition of the sugar so much that it is somehow converted to a completely different molecule than sugar. This type of “fake” sugar molecule does not occur in nature and therefore your body does not possess the ability to properly metabolize it. This is how the makers of Splenda claim that it has zero calories, because in theory it should not be digested or metabolized by the body (Although it has been shown that some people’s body do absorb up to 15% of the artificial sweeteners they ingest). So the more artificial sweeteners that you consume in one day, the more you are overwhelming your liver with toxins and the less able it is to do its job of processing fat. And what happens if the liver can’t do its job? You can’t lose weight or worse yet, you gain weight.

What if you don’t use artificial sweeteners? Don’t be fooled. Almost every diet product on the market has some kind of artificial sweetener added to it. Even some children’s snacks are now being made with sucralose (Splenda) and most flavored waters contain sucralose or aspartame.

Now add up how many things you eat in one day that contain some form of artificial sweetener. The list may be very long. How overwhelmed do you think your liver is? Does it have the ability to work properly? Even if you keep your calories at bay and only drink Diet Coke with your meals, will you truly get down to the weight that you want, and stay there? It has been in my experience that the answer is “no” and until you are ready to commit yourself to a healthy way of eating, weight loss will always be a constant struggle.

What else do sweeteners do?

Sweeteners increase appetite

Artificial sweeteners tell your taste buds that, “sweet stuff has arrived,” which to the brain means, “nutrition has arrived.” When artificial sweetened drink or food reaches the small intestine, the receptors find no nutrition. A message is then sent back to the brain saying, “We’ve been tricked-there’s no nutrition here.” The appestat (the part of your brain that triggers satiety) sends the message to “keep eating because we need nutrition to help process all this fake food and run your body.” So even after you eat a good portioned healthy meal (along with your diet coke) you still feel like your starving all day, or you become very hungry soon after. Your healthy eating efforts may be sabotaged if you continue to feel hungry all day. No one likes to feel hungry so you continue to eat more food until you feel satisfied, which in your effort to lose weight, may just be too much.

Sweeteners Increase our Sweet Tooth

Saccharin (Sweet n Low) is 300 times sweeter than sugar, aspartame (Equal) is 200 times sweeter than sugar and sucralose (splenda) is 600 times sweeter than sugar. Such sweeteners can only increase our sweet tooth and increase our taste of sweet things. If you can never get rid of your sugar cravings, any healthy eating plan will be difficult because you will constantly be craving “sweet”. Artificial sweeteners have also shown to promote the same blood sugar fluctuations as regular sugar, which, again will bring on “sugar lows” which will increase appetite and cravings. This is not to say, that something sweet now and again is not ok, but it is those people who can not control their sugar cravings that are being sabotaged by these artificial sweeteners.

What are some alternatives to sweeteners?

Giving up sugar and artificial sweeteners may be difficult, especially if you are accustomed to everything having such a sweet taste. A wonderful alternative to sugar and artificial sweeteners is an herb called Stevia. Stevia is an extraordinarily sweet herb, 200-300 times sweeter than sugar. Stevia is almost calorie-free, so it is perfect for people who are watching their weight. Unlike sugar, it does not trigger a rise in blood sugar so you will not get a sudden burst of energy followed by fatigue and a need for another “fix”. It increases energy and aids digestion by stimulating the pancreas. Stevia also presents great advantages over saccharine and other artificial sweeteners in that it is not toxic. Stevia is a plant that is found in nature and is not man-made in a laboratory. Stevia can be found at almost all health food stores such as Whole Foods, and is listed under the “supplement” section. Stevia can be used exactly like sugar and artificial sweeteners to sweeten drinks and it can even be used in baking.

If weight loss or staying away from sweets has always been a problem for you, take notice of how much artificial sweetener you have been ingesting. That just may be the culprit. Make a resolution this year to give up the “fake” stuff and stick to natural alternatives like Stevia. You will not only be helping your weight loss efforts but you will also be benefiting your health.

If you or someone you know is addicted to sweet drinks such as sodas or beverages sweetened with sugar or artificial sweeteners, try this “Tea Juice” and you will see that weaning yourself off sugar or sweeteners will be much easier.

Tea Juice

* 5-6 bags of any caffeine free herbal tea of your choice (green tea, peach tea, berry tea, orange zinger, lemon, etc.)
* 3 quarts water
* Stevia powder or liquid to taste

Boil tea bags in a large pot. Add 1-2 full teaspoons of stevia while still hot. (You may add more or less, based on your desired sweetness) Let tea cool and then transfer to the refrigerator in Ice Tea pitchers or individual size water bottles.

This drink is a great replacement to Diet Coke or Diet Snapple.

Learn the real truth behind how to Lose Fat and Keep it Off.

Movies, Sports, Music and More

Satellite Direct Introduces the Internet Television Revolution

Are you ready for a new way to watch TV? What if I told you that there was a way for you to watch all of your favorite shows, along with news, sports, movies, and even dozens of music stations… all for a one time fee that’s less than half of what you currently pay for cable? (And yes, it’s 100% legal!)

The internet changed the way you work, shop, book travel, and spend your free time. Now, your computer can revolutionize the way you enjoy watching television, too. Imagine: no more cable or satellite bills, no hardware to install, no worrying about bandwidth limits- just thousands of channels and crystal clear picture and sound quality.

With Satellite Direct, you get unlimited 24/7 access to over 3,500 channels. That’s thousands more than cable TV, including dozens of hard to find international channels, as well as all the best premium, movie, sports, news, and music programming. And unlike traditional satellite television, you don’t need to worry about expensive equipment or heavy satellite dishes. In fact, you don’t even have to wait for installation at all! Our easy to use software can be downloaded in about a minute… meaning you are only 60 seconds away from great television, without paying another cable bill ever again.

If you have a computer and an internet connection, you have the ability to cancel your cable company today, and begin enjoying thousands of premium channels right away.

What would you expect to pay for technology that allows you to access the best that television has to offer? Even spending several hundred dollars on a one time fee would add up to thousands of dollars in savings when compared to the thousands you will likely spend on cable subscription services over the next few years.

But for a limited time, Satellite Direct is offering their revolutionary software at the unbelievable price of only $49.95. That’s about half the average monthly cost of cable… for a lifetime of television service!

This Was One Tough Workout!

High intensity outdoor workouts, kettlebell training, and more...

by Mike Geary, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist

The other day I was in the mood to mix things up a little with my workouts and it was a nice sunny day, so I decided to skip the gym and take my workout outside for the day.

So I packed up my two 53-lb kettlebells and my 70-lb kettlebell, and headed to a local park that also has a nice hill that a some local people go to for running hill sprints.

I've gotta tell you, the workout I came up with was pretty simple, but thoroughly kicked my a**! If you're interested in a high intensity workout that'll strip off body fat fast, keep in mind the format of this workout and use the same or similar exercises based on what you have available.

Note: I used kettlebells, but you can also use dumbbells if you don't have kb's.

Here's what I did:

The workout was done in circuit fashion where I moved to the next exercise with little to no rest.

1a. kettlebell double clean & presses (both arms simultaneously)
1b. 1-arm kettlebell snatches with each arm
1c. kettlebell 2-arm bent over rows
1d. kettlebell 2-arm swings
1e. hill sprint up/down

8 reps of each exercise; repeated circuit 8X

I did 8 reps of each exercise and moved almost immediately to the next exercise in each circuit. After each circuit, I rested about 2 minutes until I caught my breath and felt ready for the next round.

I kept repeating this circuit until I did 8 sets total of each exercise. All said and done, I think the workout took me about 45 minutes... and holy crap was I drenched in sweat and whooped!

Warning: unless you're in top shape, do NOT attempt 8 sets of this type of workout... it is VERY tough and that's a high volume of work unless you're already accustomed to higher intensity workouts. Just attempting 3 or 4 sets the first time you try this will usually whip most trainees.

By the way, if you don't have kettlebells yet, I highly suggest getting at least one or two to have at your house. They are very convenient to use when you don't feel like going to the gym and just want to blast out a quick workout at home or outside. My Kettlebells were definitely one of the best investments I've ever made in training tools that will last me for life.

You can get your own kettlebells.

Another recent review of the Truth about Six Pack Abs Program

I continue to receive some great reviews coming in with the awesome results customers are getting using the techniques in the Truth about Six Pack Abs package. Here's another that came in the other day:


Thank you for changing the way I workout. After years of fooling myself into thinking I was getting a good workout, your book, The Truth About Abs, has revitalized not only my workouts but also my life. Working out regularly for over 10 years, I became increasingly frustrated at my lack of progress.

Despite doing over an hour of cardio at least three times a week and lifting three times a week as well, I wasn't in good shape. In fact, I was having trouble getting my wind when I played my weekly hockey games. Also, despite my workout attempts, I was also getting what you have termed as the "skinny fat" appearance.

Seeing no outward or inward results, I sunk into such a rut I was ready to quit exercising. That was when a friend recommended your ebook. After only a month-and-a-half of doing the routines diagrammed in your book, my physical appearance has improved dramatically. Not only that, but my endurance has increased to the point that I can handle a full hockey game and not get gassed. In fact, I get stronger as the game goes on. Just that alone was well worth the $40 I spent.

Following your diet tips has also given me more energy throughout the day. I no longer "crash" halfway through my work day and no longer crave the sugary foods I used to. The belly I have been trying to battle is shrinking by the day. After years of working out, I am only now finally getting compliments for how "toned and ripped" I appear.

Once again, thanks for giving me that boost I so needed in my workouts and for improving my quality of life. I would (and have) recommended your book to anyone stuck in the same situation as I was just months ago."

-John Crawford, Collingswood, NJ

abs and full body workout program
You can find more info and frequently asked questions about the Truth about Six Pack Abs package

ClickBank Wealth Formula (CBWealthFormula) - Is It Good to Purchase?

There is recent buzz about ClickBank Wealth Formula that is launched by two multi millionaire ClickBank vendors Anik & Saj. So what is CBWealthFormula? It is training course provided by these two successful ClickBank vendors and it offers you to teach about a system which you can setup in three days which took almost three years & $67000 to these two. They offer you tell about a secret setup or system that has made them millions of dollars.

Is CBWealthFormula worth of its money?

My answer to this would be 50-50. Its a training filled with loads of video seminars, video tutorials along with some resources that will help you setup the same system in three days that has made Anik & Saj millions of dollars and is working from past three years. This is the most comprehensive training course that is gaining popularity day by day. It is already on top of its category in ClickBank marketplace by leaving behind one of the best product in the ClickBank history "Blogging to the Bank". Almost every successful & highly experience affiliate marketer is promoting CBWealthFormula. If you are signed up to any of the money making lists of these marketers you should already have received their sales email about this product. But once you decide to order, you will be presented with three more sales page with three more secret techniques that they will ask you to purchase. This is something which goes against this product.

If CBWealthFormula is just another money making product then why it is so popular?

ClickBank Wealth Formula is very popular among its affiliates. As it is presented by top sellers of ClickBank so it was obvious that this will be one of the most popular product in ClickBank market. Also, there are hundreds of other websites & marketers that are offering bonuses when you purchase CBWealthFormula. This is done basically to attract more buyers for CBWealthFormula & affiliates are doing this because they are getting good commissions form the sale of the product, Multiple upsells are making this popular among affiliates as they have more commissions to gain.

Do you know there is one more product on ClickBank that offers you everything that you will ever need to make money online? It not only offers training but it also offers you many more things to make money online. To know more about this product, visit If you are serious about making money online then you must use this product.

Article Source:

What are Vital Records?

important milestone in your life creates a record. Such events may be
birth, marriage, divorce, and death, each having its own documented
record kept on file in hospitals and courts. These are known as vital
records, and they provide a legal documentation of these important
Vital records are important in a number of ways. Below is a list of
each vital record, what is included, and why they are useful.
Birth Certificates
A birth certificate gives a recorded document of the day, time, and
location of an individual’s birth. If the birth occurred at a hospital
or medical facility, the birth certificate is usually issued by that
facility and certified by the attending physician. Otherwise, a
standard birth certificate form can be easily obtained by the state
registrar and certified by a doctor, midwife, doula, or other
state-approved certifier. The typical U.S. birth certificate form has
been standardized by the U.S. Public Health Service, but states are
free to issue their own form. On the form, you will find the following:
• Child’s Information – Including name, date and time of birth, sex,
city and county of birth, and the specific place of birth (hospital,
residence, etc.)
• Certifier/Attendant – Must be an approved certifier by the state
• Mother’s Information
• Father’s Information
• Other Demographic Information – Such as race, pregnancy history,
marriage status of mother, etc.
This document is important for a number of reasons. First, the document
is kept in the registrar’s office in each state for important census
information. Also, your certified copy of your birth certificate is
used for:
• A verifiable source of identification
• Obtaining a driver’s license
• Obtaining a passport
• Obtaining a social security number
• Documentation of a family history or genealogy search
Marriage Certificate A marriage license, or marriage certificate, is
also issued and kept at the state level. The certificate is a legal
documentation of the marriage between two people recognized by the
state as being eligible for marriage.
A marriage certificate is signed by both parties of the marriage and an
officiant, and it is also filed with a state government agency, which
is usually a registrar or county clerk. The information includes the
date and county that the marriage took place. Marriage certificates can
be useful for:
• Verifying a marital union
• Verifying a family history
• Obtaining spousal insurance Divorce Records
Divorce records are legal documents usually written by attorneys and
filed in county courts. These documents are vital for legalizing the
dissolution of a marriage and stating specific duties by each spouse
for dividing marital assets and paying child or spousal support.
There is no standard form for a divorce document, since each divorce is
unique to each married couple. Included will be the names of the
parties, when and where the marriage took place, and the date the
divorce was finalized in the court and signed by a judge. Divorce
documents may also contain sensitive information such as tax records,
income records, criminal records, and lists of assets.
Divorce records can be used for:
• Determining the divorce status of an individual
• Revealing criminal history of an individual
• Verifying family history for a genealogy search
• Verifying the last known address of an individual
Death Certificate
Death certificates, like birth certificates, are also important for
keeping public health and morbidity information on file. When a death
occurs, a certificate of death is issued by a coroner, or other
government official. The certificate explains the approximate date,
time, location, and cause of death.
Death certificates are important to be used for:
• Verifying the death of an individual
• Verifying family history or genealogy search
• Use in estate probate
• Verification of life insurance claim

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Watch Live TV with Satellite Direct

Are you fed up with the high price of cable TV? What if there was a way for you to watch all of your favorite channels- including premium movie channels, all of the best sports programming, and hard to find international television shows – and never pay another monthly cable bill again? With Satellite Direct, there is.

Satellite Direct is a new way to watch TV.

You don’t need a satellite dish, cable box, or receiver to watch television with Satellite Direct. In fact, all you need to run our state of the art software is your home computer or laptop. That’s right- for less than half of what you’re probably paying for one month of your current subscription service, you can enjoy unlimited 24/7 access to thousands of television channels, right from your PC. And with no hardware to install, you can forget about waiting around for a technician to set up your service. Our easy, one time software download will take less than a minute.

Making the switch is as easy as:

1. Registration: Using our safe and secure checkout process, simply register for Satellite Direct by answering a few questions and providing us your one time payment. Your information is always treated with the utmost respect, and the ordering process is fast and easy.
2. Download: The Satellite Direct software can be downloaded in about a minute… just follow our simple on-screen instructions.
3. Enjoy: That’s it! Just sit back and enjoy the variety of over 3,500 TV channels right on your PC. You’ll never pay another month of cable or satellite subscription service again.

Satellite Direct is so sure that you will love watching television through the comfort and convenience of your PC that we are offering a 100% satisfaction guarantee. So why wait? Cancel your cable service today. With Satellite Direct, the future of TV is here now.

Eating Healthy While Traveling

It’s difficult enough these days to maintain a healthy eating plan, let alone keep a healthy diet while traveling.

I am no stranger to maintaining a healthy eating plan while being on the road. I do a good amount of traveling myself, and my clients and readers are asking me all the time:

“Isabel, I am always on the go. How can I stick to my healthy eating plan and still live my life?”

If your days really have you running around from work, to parties, to picking up kids all over the neighborhood, here are a few strategies that really do work:

1. Make your trunk your refrigerator.

Ok, not literally, but I have known many people (including myself) to keep a small cooler in their trunk at all times. They fill it with healthy goodies at the beginning of the day (raw nuts, fresh fruits and veggies, even hard boiled eggs) along with some ice packs and extra tupperware (just in case) and they’re off for the day. At the end of the day, they empty whatever is left and the ice packs go back in the freezer for the next day. This is also a great way to keep your water bottles nice and cold and not warm from the car heat.

2. Make your supermarket your Fast Food stop.

Instead of a quick trip through the drive thru, run into the local supermarket and pick up an assortment of dried or fresh fruits, healthy trail mixes, fresh veggies and natural peanut or almond butter. Most supermarkets now have wonderful salad bars and prepared foods like grilled chicken and salmon (better than any fast food joint) and healthy sandwich options (be careful with certain condiments like mayo that may be added). Eliminate the fast food joints from your choices of “quick stops” and look for the hot spots in town that offer healthier options.

3. Be the bearer of good food.

When going to a barbecue or social event, always offer to bring something (now I sound like the etiquette police). I always bring something and that something is always healthy. I know, if nothing else, at least I’ve got that to eat (although all of my friends and family know why I do this. Even if you contribute the healthy and lean beef burgers or turkey burgers, this may deter you from the not-so healthy hot dogs and sausages. Or how about a colorful salad or fruit salad?

4. Find the healthy places all over the world.

Before I go on any trip, I go online and find the closest Whole Foods or Health Food Store. If there are none close by, I find a major supermarket. This doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy myself on vacation (like the Key Lime Pie I enjoyed down South) or when visiting family and friends, but I make sure that all healthy principles do NOT go out the window. I keep it healthy and have a great time! (not one or the other)

There are always great ways to maintain your healthy weight loss plans even if your life has you traveling and on the road quite a bit.

To get started on your own Weight loss and Health goals, download these Easy Healthy Meal Plans and Delicious Recipes right now.

Monday, August 2, 2010

SEOPressor—What’s New about This Wordpress SEO Product?

Wordpress is decidedly one of the biggest blogging platforms in the
world today. Even though it is not a free platform, the professional
manner of this platform is what makes it more popular. And that is the
reason why a lot of online business entrepreneurs are using Wordpress.
As a consequence of that, several tools have been released in the
market today by which people can enhance the prospects of their
Wordpress blogs, and SEOPressor is one such tool. Being a new entrant
into this genre, we felt it apt to check out SEOPressor and find out if
it is really worth all the talk that is going on about it.
What we found out, after testing the product for both performance and
efficiency, is that this is a product that’s well worth all the
investment made in it. In any case, people are always looking out for
the best possible search engine optimization for their business
website, and the fact of the matter is that Wordpress SEO cannot get
any better than what SEOPressor can provide. If used correctly,
SEOPressor won’t just bring a Wordpress website to the top page of
search engines but it will also bring it to the top of the top page.
Results can be expected to figure within the top 3 on the first page.
Here we shall take a look at why SEOPressor can achieve that. It’s a
fact that this is one SEO tool that works in a very different way from
other similar products. Let us tackle these differences one after the
The Analysis
SEOPressor depends on a factor known as the SEO Score for calculating
the worthiness of a particular website. What it will do is it will take
some parameters into account and decide whether a particular website
will rank well on search engines or not. This score is a very unique
aspect of SEOPressor and the best thing about it is that its results
correspond exactly with what a superlative tool such as Google
Analytics will show you.
The Suggestions
SEOPressor almost dissects your Wordpress website and tells you things
about it—innermost details that if you pay attention to could improve
the prospects of your website to an amazing degree. It will tell you,
for instance, if your keyword is placed in the right position or not,
and what a better position would be. It will tell you about what kind
of format you need to use for your titles—H1, H2 or H3—and it will tell
you how the graphics on your website are influencing the prospects of
your website. SEOPressor doesn’t just tell you about your mistakes, but
it will also tell you the solutions and will offer to do them for you
as well. This is one software application that allows you to sit back
and relax as it continuously keeps monitoring your website and tells
you exactly what you need to do in order to bring up the ranking of
your website.
The Newness Factor
This is one thing to consider. The product is quite new, and even
Wordpress is continuously changing, which makes it definitely a good
thing to be new. For instance, SEOPressor is already compatible with
the new Wordpress 3.0, something that most other Wordpress search
engine optimization tools on the Internet are still trying to come to
grips with.
The Convenience
This is what made this tool a big hit in its initial days. Even now,
after several modifications, the plug-in remains just as easy as it was
earlier. There’s nothing you need to install; it is just a simple
download that you have to do. Despite the program itself being very
complex, you don’t need to be a technical whiz to figure it out. The
developers have tried to keep their program as much self-driving as
The Secret Algorithm
Since its release, people have wondered about how the results of
SEOPressor can match so perfectly with the results of Google Analytics.
Only recently was it announced that SEOPressor uses a secret algorithm
that works in the very manner that the Google search engine works to
rank its websites. Using this particular algorithm, it is almost a
no-brainer for SEOPressor to understand what it actually takes for a
website to shoot right up the rung on the Google search pile. This is
the one thing that has made SEOPressor so famous.
The Developer’s Reputation
SEOPressor has been designed and developed by Daniel Tan, who is one of
the greatest search engine optimization gurus in the world today. He
has developed successful programs in the past such as the Backlinks
Syndication System, the Rank Mover, the Ultimate RSS Joiner and the
Press Release Cash Cow. All of these have been quite commended in the
online world, which is the same thing that is happening with SEOPressor

Cardio Enthusiasts - Discover a More Effective Training Method for Fat Loss and Heart Health!

It is common to hear fitness professionals and medical doctors prescribe low to moderate intensity aerobic training (cardio) to people who are trying to prevent heart disease or lose weight. Most often, the recommendations constitute something along the lines of "perform 30-60 minutes of steady pace cardio 3-5 times per week maintaining your heart rate at a moderate level". Before you just give in to this popular belief and become the "hamster on the wheel" doing endless hours of boring cardio, I'd like you to consider some recent scientific research that indicates that steady pace endurance cardio work may not be all it's cracked up to be.

First, realize that our bodies are designed to perform physical activity in bursts of exertion followed by recovery, or stop-and-go movement instead of steady state movement. Recent research is suggesting that physical variability is one of the most important aspects to consider in your training. This tendency can be seen throughout nature as all animals demonstrate stop-and-go motion instead of steady state motion. In fact, humans are the only creatures in nature that attempt to do "endurance" type physical activities. Most competitive sports (with the exception of endurance running or cycling) are also based on stop-and-go movement or short bursts of exertion followed by recovery. To examine an example of the different effects of endurance or steady state training versus stop-and-go training, consider the physiques of marathoners versus sprinters. Most sprinters carry a physique that is very lean, muscular, and powerful looking, while the typical dedicated marathoner is more often emaciated and sickly looking. Now which would you rather resemble?

Another factor to keep in mind regarding the benefits of physical variability is the internal effect of various forms of exercise on our body. Scientists have known that excessive steady state endurance exercise (different for everyone, but sometimes defined as greater than 60 minutes per session most days of the week) increases free radical production in the body, can degenerate joints, reduces immune function, causes muscle wasting, and can cause a pro-inflammatory response in the body that can potentially lead to chronic diseases. On the other hand, highly variable cyclic training has been linked to increased anti-oxidant production in the body and an anti-inflammatory response, a more efficient nitric oxide response (which can encourage a healthy cardiovascular system), and an increased metabolic rate response (which can assist with weight loss).

Furthermore, steady state endurance training only trains the heart at one specific heart rate range and doesn't train it to respond to various every day stressors. On the other hand, highly variable cyclic training teaches the heart to respond to and recover from a variety of demands making it less likely to fail when you need it. Think about it this way -- Exercise that trains your heart to rapidly increase and rapidly decrease will make your heart more capable of handling everyday stress. Stress can cause your blood pressure and heart rate to increase rapidly. Steady state jogging and other endurance training does not train your heart to be able to handle rapid changes in heart rate or blood pressure.

The important aspect of variable cyclic training that makes it superior over steady state cardio is the recovery period in between bursts of exertion. That recovery period is crucially important for the body to elicit a healthy response to an exercise stimulus. Another benefit of variable cyclic training is that it is much more interesting and has lower drop-out rates than long boring steady state cardio programs.

To summarize, some of the potential benefits of variable cyclic training compared to steady state endurance training are as follows: improved cardiovascular health, increased anti-oxidant protection, improved immune function, reduced risk for joint wear and tear, reduced muscle wasting, increased residual metabolic rate following exercise, and an increased capacity for the heart to handle life's every day stressors. There are many ways you can reap the benefits of stop-and-go or variable intensity physical training. One of the absolute most effective forms of variable intensity training to really reduce body fat and bring out serious muscular definition is performing wind sprints.

Most competitive sports such as football, basketball, racquetball, tennis, hockey, etc. are naturally comprised of highly variable stop-and-go motion. In addition, weight training naturally incorporates short bursts of exertion followed by recovery periods. High intensity interval training (varying between high and low intensity intervals on any piece of cardio equipment) is yet another training method that utilizes exertion and recovery periods. For example, an interval training session on the treadmill could look something like this:

Warm-up for 3-4 minutes at a fast walk or light jog;

Interval 1 - run at 8.0 mi/hr for 1 minute;

Interval 2 - walk at 4.0 mi/hr for 1.5 minutes;

Interval 3 - run at 10.0 mi/hr for 1 minute;

Interval 4 - walk at 4.0 mi/hr for 1.5 minutes;

Repeat those 4 intervals 4 times for a very intense 20-minute workout.

The take-away message from this article is to try to train your body at highly variable intensity rates for the majority of your workouts to get the most beneficial response in terms of heart health, fat loss, and muscle maintenance.

Visit How to Get Six Pack Abs to receive your own personalized metabolic rate calculator as well as a free training & nutrition bonus e-report that will change the way you think about fat loss and abs.

TV for Your PC: The Truth About Satellite Television for Your Computer

So, you’re fed up with paying outrageous cable bills, and are ready to make the switch to watching TV on your computer. Before you do there is something you need to know: Not all satellite services are created equal. In fact, most television for PC services are downright terrible. With poor picture quality, outdated software, lousy customer service, and limited access to the channels you really want to see, many satellite for PC providers just aren’t worth making the switch.

That’s where Satellite Direct comes in.

Named by Interactive Media Magazine as “Unequivocally the best TV to PC software on the net”, Satellite Direct is your best bet when it comes to watching television from the comfort of your home computer or laptop. Forget subscriptions or monthly fees… Satellite Direct brings you unlimited access to over 3,500 channels- including premium movie channels and all of the best sports stations. Additionally, with Satellite Direct, you also get dozens of hard to find international channels. And you never have to worry about bandwidth signals or poor picture or sound quality. It’s like having the best of cable or satellite television- without ever having to pay the outrageous monthly bills again!

In fact, a lifetime of Satellite Direct costs about half of what you would pay for just one month of comparable service from your current cable or satellite provider. Why pay over $100 a month for cable? For a one time price of just $49.95, you can have 24/7 access to thousands of channels- with no hidden fees, ever.

Ordering is safe and secure, and your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. You have nothing to lose- except your monthly cable bill.

Unplug Your Cable Service

Satellite Direct Brings Thousands of TV Channels Straight to Your PC

What if there was a way for you to watch thousands of television channels, any time you want… and never pay another cable bill again? With Satellite Direct, there is.

Satellite Direct is a new way to watch TV- from the convenience of your own desktop PC or laptop. Why pay over $100 a month for a cable or satellite television subscription with limited channel availability, when you can get a lifetime of unlimited access to over 3,500 channels for less than half of that?

Just some of the benefits of choosing Satellite Direct over cable:

• 24/7 unlimited access to over 3,500 channels
• Hard to find international channels, as well as all the best movies, sports and news shows- at no additional cost
• No hardware to install
• No bandwidth limits
• No subscription or installation fees - EVER
• Automatic channel updates

And best of all… You’ll never have to pay another monthly cable or satellite bill again!

Why settle for other TV for PC services that deliver poor sound and picture quality, or come loaded with hidden fees? With world class customer service and support, making the switch to Satellite Direct will be one of the best decisions you’ve made for your family in a long time. (And with no hardware to install and no waiting around for hours for the cable guy to show up… it will be one of the easiest, as well)

Switching to Satellite Direct is simple and straightforward: Just answer a few questions using our safe and secure registration process. After your one time payment, you can download our easy to use software directly onto your PC or laptop.

Then sit back and enjoy thousands of premium channels, any time you want. That’s it!

Don’t pay another cable bill.

Where Can I Get Divorce Records?

are a variety of reasons why you may need divorce records. Whether the
record is your own, you are confirming a divorce of another individual,
or conducting genealogy research, you can perform a search and
oftentimes request divorce records if you have the right resources.
Starting with the County Courthouse Divorce records are considered
“vital records,” which also include birth, death, and marriage records.
However, a divorce record is a legal document, and thus, you will
usually be able to find them in the courthouse records in the county in
which the divorce was finalized. If you know the exact county in which
the divorce took place, you can contact that county courthouse clerk to
find out the fees and procedure for requesting divorce records. Perform
a simple online search with the county name and state to find a contact
for that specific county. You will most likely find the contact
information you need.
If that doesn’t work, you can find a list of county courts and their
contact information on each official state page. Simply type the URL:, where ‘XX’ is replaced by the actual state code. For
instance, to bring up the official state website for South Dakota,
enter Official state websites have a variety of
helpful information. Look for links to courts or state agencies to find
the county you seek. If you do not know the county, all states have a
central agency for vital records. You can contact this organization to
have a search performed on the divorce record in which you are
interested. A resource to contact all the states’ vital records
departments is at: Information to
Supply to the County Clerk When you find the county contact you are
searching for, you will need to provide information to help the clerk
search for the divorce record you need. You will usually be required to
complete a form and include information such as the divorce file
number, names of individuals, and a reason you are requesting the
record. Since official divorce files contain private and sensitive
information, many states only grant official copies to the individuals
identified on the divorce decree. You may be able to simply confirm
that a divorce record exists, however. Other states, however, consider
divorce records public records, and anyone may obtain a copy.
Online Resources to Access Divorce Records You also have many resources
available online to search for divorce records. Many private agencies
and businesses perform vital records searches. Most will charge a fee
or provide only limited information for free. You can perform a free
public record search for individuals at Enter the name of an
individual, and this service will provide a list of potential matches.
If you want further information, you can pay for their service to
provide the records.
You may also get valuable information from, which is
a LexisNexis company. LexisNexis is the most trusted global leader in
information research. VitalChek provides easy directions and
step-by-step instructions for ordering vital records, including divorce
records. VitalChek also provides helpful guides to determine whether
divorce records are public or ID-only in each state.
Your search for divorce records can be successful. Use the resources
provided here, or do a more specific search online to get the
information you need.